Mutual Aid Records Launches Eric King Release Raffle

Cropped image showing one of the bundles available including a Certain Days calendar, a "Support Eric King" sticker, buttons, art, and cassette tapes

Mutual Aid Records has kicked off a raffle in support of anarchist prisoner Eric King's upcoming release, expected in December of this year.

Four prizes are up for grabs with 100% of funds raised going to Eric’s release fundraiser.

Entry Info:

  • Tickets are $2 each, each ticket purchased is an entry.
  • Each item purchased from the Mutual Aid Records website is an entry with 10% of purchase donated
  • Each digital release purchased is an entry with 100% of Bandcamp digital sales donated

If you wish to just purchase a ticket, send payment to painchain on either Venmo or CashApp along with your Instagram account handle. If you are purchasing merchandise from the website, make sure to either send a message on Instagram or email them at mutualaidrecords [at] gmail [dot] com.

The raffle closes and winners will be announced January 20.

For more about Mutual Aid Records or to see what's available, check out their website or follow them on Instagram.


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