Free Alex Stokes Fundrazr Passes 10% of Goal

Alex is shown holding his bulldog, Princess. To the left, the text "Free Alex Stokes - Antifascist hero gets 20 years for resisting Jan 6 insurrection!" is shown.

A fundraiser for independent journalist, artist, and antifascist Alex Stokes broke past the 10% mark of its stated goal yesterday, and at time of writing, currently stands at 12%. The campaign is being managed by The International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund, who state that the money raised will be used to ensure that Alex's upcoming appeal will not lack resources.

For those unfamiliar with his case, in November of last year, Alex Stokes was sentenced in New York to 20 years in prison for using a knife to defend himself and others from far-right insurrectionists at the state capitol. Stokes, who was at the so-called "Stop the Steal" rally in Albany to cover the event as an independent journalist, witnessed multiple members of the Proud Boys—a nationwide gang well-known for seeking out and starting violent street brawls with progressives—attacking peaceful counter demonstrators. One Proud Boy attempted to use a taser on a Black man who had his hands in his pockets, while another beat a woman over the head with a flag pole. When Stokes stood up to confront the attackers, he was also assaulted, at which point, he managed to fend off multiple attackers with a knife, injuring two of them, and helped get other victims away from the fray.

Despite video evidence from multiple angles showing this very clear cut case of self defense, Alex was found guilty of assault in the first degree, among other charges.

Stokes is currently being held at the Elmira "Correctional Facility" in Elmira, New York. If you would like to support him by writing, you can do so by addressing your letter to:

Alex Contompasis #22B5028
Elmira Correctional Facility
PO Box 500
Elmira, New York 14901

For more information about Alex, or to purchase some of his art work and help fund his appeal in the process, visit

Mutual Aid Records Launches Eric King Release Raffle

Cropped image showing one of the bundles available including a Certain Days calendar, a "Support Eric King" sticker, buttons, art, and cassette tapes

Mutual Aid Records has kicked off a raffle in support of anarchist prisoner Eric King's upcoming release, expected in December of this year.

Four prizes are up for grabs with 100% of funds raised going to Eric’s release fundraiser.

Entry Info:

  • Tickets are $2 each, each ticket purchased is an entry.
  • Each item purchased from the Mutual Aid Records website is an entry with 10% of purchase donated
  • Each digital release purchased is an entry with 100% of Bandcamp digital sales donated

If you wish to just purchase a ticket, send payment to painchain on either Venmo or CashApp along with your Instagram account handle. If you are purchasing merchandise from the website, make sure to either send a message on Instagram or email them at mutualaidrecords [at] gmail [dot] com.

The raffle closes and winners will be announced January 20.

For more about Mutual Aid Records or to see what's available, check out their website or follow them on Instagram.

New Year's Eve Noise Demo in Cleveland

What: Noise Demo
Where: In front of the (in)justice center at W. Lakeside & W. 3rd
When: 7:00pm, Saturday, December 31st

7-9 PM on December 31, 2022 in front of the (in)justice center at W Lakeside and W 3rd.

Make noise for those trapped behind bars. Wish them a happy new year and show that they are not forgotten. Bring anything to make lots of noise, especially your friends! Be safe, and mask up.

Show solidarity, spread rebellious joy, and work to end mass incarceration.

Alabama Prisoners Speak + JJ Ayers of Winnemucca Indian Colony

Originally published by The Final Straw Radio

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This week on the show, we featured 2 segments: a chat with Michael Kimble & Gerald Griffin about conditions in Donaldson CF prison in Alabama; and Jim J. Ayers, a 42 year resident in 6 generations of lineage at Winnemucca Indian Colony facing eviction by the Tribal Council.

Conditions at Donaldson Prison in Alabama

First up, anarchist prisoner Michael Kimble and his friend Gerald Griffin talk about the current situation at William E Donaldson Correctional Facility in Bessemer, Alabama. Following the pause of prisoner work stoppages in October of this year, Gerald and Michael talk about violence at the institution, overcrowding and under staffing, lack of medical care, mistreatment of gay and other marginalized prisoners and other, hard topics. There is mention of extortion, violence, drug use, homophobia and other topics, so listener discretion is advised. You can information on how to get in touch with Michael and Gerald in the show notes, as well as Michael’s blog AnarchyLive, and we’ll be mailing out the latest Fire Ant Journal and our past interviews with Michael Kimble (5/19/2019 & 12/28/2015).

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International Call For New Year’s Eve Noise Demonstrations

Originally published by NYC Anarchist Black Cross

This is a call for a night of strong solidarity with those imprisoned by the state. Historically, New Year’s Eve is one of the noisiest nights of the year. This year, most of which has been consumed by a global pandemic, we encourage folks to take whatever measures are necessary to insure individual and community well-being, in response to both the virus and the state, understanding the balance each of us must strike for ourselves. Given our current reality, on New Year’s Eve gather your crew, collective, community, organization, or just yourself to raise a racket and remind those on the inside that they are not alone.

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